Retroronto v0.3 Update

Hello fellow citizens and visitors!

We've been busy all of January bringing you this update, with lots of new additions and changes to the demo based on your feedback and bugs. The city is always under construction, and your interest has been invaluable to the game's development!

Feel free to check out our newspaper-themed devblog for more information about this new update!

And as always, thank you for all your support both on Itch and on our Discord channel. We got some important deadlines this month we're diligently working to meet, so here's hoping that comes to pass and to return next month with another update for you! Take care!


- Minor UI fixes to minigame tutorial screens and interiors for WebGL build.

- Minigames now end when theres no more customers left, and the timer is done. Tutorial texts has been adjusted for this.

- Fixed a bug where the box dispenser in Jimmies wouldnt give an item when engaging in the minigame more than once

- Fixed a bug where the donut station would reset it's meter to 0 when playing another minigame.

- Fixed order bubble animations so they'll bounce appropriately

- Fixed bug where any item can be removed from inventory when interacting with donut/box station. Needs to match either station item, or refillItem.

- Removed debugging code that, when pressing E, would generate new orders, but actually break them permanently.

- Increased player speed in all interiors, should be a bit faster now.

- Adjusted player movement to be more precise, without acceleration or deacceleration.

- Made it so the player can't access their inventory when in the middle of a minigame (would block the minigame timer, and players can hoard station items and keep them when game ends)

- Rearranged item Sprites for stations and orders to reference one spritesheet instead of separate spritesheets

- Fixed Dialogue which during a 2-choice, would end dialogue with either choice made, instead of carrying on dialogue.

- Special NPCs with interactions no longer generate every time when entering interiors, now retain their appearance for consistency.

- Many other miscellaneous changes


- Added 'Two Pizzas' pizza shop place, interior, and minigame.

- Added two NPCs who can give the player new job opportunities at ‘Jimmies’ and “Two Pizzas’ when interacted with. You can find them at the Church and at the Gym.

- Revamped Clock UI to count up in 12 hour notation. Speeds up when outside, and slows down when inside

- Added a Day/Night cycle, with Dawn starting at 7am, Day at 8am, Dusk at 5pm, and Night at 6pm. Add window lights to all buildings that turn on at Dusk and off at Dawn.

- Places now open and close (enable and disable) based on time of day, open from 8am to 8pm respectfully.

- Players will now change the clock’s time when sleeping in a bed, a bit before 8am before places open up.

- Paycheques now animate on screen when minigames are finished.

- Food places (LcMacs, Jimmies, Two Pizzas) will now serve and sell their food to the player at a cash register (but not during a minigame).

- Initial implementation for player ‘feedback’, where the player character will ‘speak’ in reaction to certain actions, such as not affording an item, or running out of energy.

- Players can print resumes as items at the library now, and must present them to a manager that’s ‘hiring’ in order to gain access to the job’s minigame. (If the manager doesn’t have an icon above them, they’re not hiring)

- Added gamepad controls for swapping and using items in the Main Menu’s help section.

- Added bigger arrow to bike near Union Station for demo purposes.

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48 days ago Play in browser
48 days ago

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